Catechism for Youth
Join us: Saturday
Time: 10 - 11:30 AM
These classes are open to all young people who desire to go deeper into the Christian faith and practice.
Catechism is from the Greek katēchēsis, from katēchein, to teach. The aim is that catechumens (those receiving instruction) may so learn Christ as to be found in him. These classes contribute to the formation of the Christian heart and mind, through an in-depth study of Christian faith and practice as received according to the doctrinal standard of the Book of Common Prayer. It is an ideal preparation for the young person who may wish to be confirmed by episcopal laying on of hands, although such an intention or outcome is not necessary.
Classes are held twice a month on Saturdays, beginning in May and June, and continuing in September through November. Please contact the Rector if you're interested, by sending an email: benjamin.lee78@gmail.com.